Manifold Witness Podcast

ABC of Christianity...Jesus, The Man & Mediator

Oscar & Alisha Season 2 Episode 3

Have you ever had legal troubles? If not, you should pause and stop what you’re doing right now and thank God! Because this can be quite an overwhelming ordeal, especially when you are totally clueless on how to solve them. Well…today you’re in for a treat. Because we’re gonna discuss how Jesus has solved all of our legal troubles with God by becoming a Man & our Mediator. 

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Until next time…Love, joy, & peace!

Manifold Witness Podcast

“Manifold Truths”

Biblical essentials for our modern times.

 ABC’s of Christianity…Jesus is the Man & Mediator.  

§  Have you ever had legal troubles? If not, you should pause and stop what you’re doing right now and thank God! Because this can be quite an overwhelming ordeal, especially when you are totally clueless on how to solve them. Well…today you’re in for a treat. Because we’re gonna discuss how Jesus has solved all of our legal troubles with God by becoming a Man & our Mediator. 

Ø  I need the “Dream Team” (The Father, Son & The Holy Ghost) for this one!!!

§  Today we’re unfolding the last two elements of the doctrine of Christ as seen in 1 Timothy 2:5, which reads…

·       1 Timothy 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one “mediator” between God and humanity, the “man” Christ Jesus.

¨     The Doctrine of Christ has three elements: 

Ø  “There is one God, There is one Mediator, The Man Christ Jesus.”

§  We must first understand the Greek meaning of the word “mediator.” This word ‘mediator’ is used five more times in the New Testament, so from here we can learn how Jesus is our mediator. When the word is used it is defined as A third party active participant who comes between two parties in the attempt to settle a legal dispute in order to make or restore peace and friendship or to confirm and sanction a formal agreement (i.e., covenant). 


§  Moreover, in order for Jesus to be a true representative of mankind, He also has to become a man. So, the One who existed with God in eternity had to come to live as a man in time and understands both sides to fulfill what was necessary for mankind to be restored to its original purpose. Why was all of this necessary?

§  Ephesians 2:12

·       In those days you were living apart from Christ. You were excluded from citizenship among the people of Israel, and you did not know the covenant promises God had made to them. You lived in this world without God and without hope.

Ø  We were all born separated from God by sin. Sin's effect on our lives causes us to suffer as though there is no God to help remedy our human condition.


Ø  Colossians 1:21 

§  …you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions (i.e., Sin).

Ø  Jesus intervened between God and man; between the two, peace and friendship was restored. The work of Jesus on the cross is the basis of our approach to God. Jesus was the “go-between.” On the cross He did away with any hindrance (sin) restraining man from being in perfect fellowship with the Father in heaven. Apart from Christ, our good works could never close the gap between God and ourselves. Jesus became a bridge of faith for us. All who accept Him as Lord and Savior may cross over and come into the “kingdom of light.”

Ø  Colossians 1:14 

§  In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.

Ø  When mankind had no remedy for their sins, Jesus came and mediated a covenant between the sinner and God. The terms of this covenant made the blood of Jesus the satisfaction of the Father's justice for the sins of man. When the Father sees your faith in the shed blood of Jesus, He causes you to experience that blood as the remedy for the curse of past, present, and future sins. 


Ø  You cannot bring your good works to God as a remedy for sin. The terms set by the mediator were His shed blood; that is the agreement the Father honors. Faith in Christ's shed blood releases you and brings you deliverance from all guilt and shame for the past. So, forgiveness is a free gift in response to your faith in what Jesus has done for us on the cross.

Ø  Colossians 1:20 

§  And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

Ø  Many speak of “making their peace with God.” There is nothing a man or woman can do on their own to make peace with God. Where our sins are concerned, only what Jesus did on the cross will satisfy God’s sense of justice. 


Ø  This helps us to know how the peace of God becomes our portion and comes through the blood of Jesus. The blood is activated through your faith. The Greek word for faith in the New Testament is simply translated as “confidence,” & “fidelity” Do you trust that the blood of Jesus was powerful enough to bring the peace of God into your life? Do you trust the blood of Jesus has overcome all your sinful past, present, and future and purchased you a place in the family of God? If so, rest in that peace.

Ø  In God’s kingdom, much labor is required with many calls for service and sacrifice. However, this is where the free gift of God is brought to you by your mediator, Christ Jesus. Work was required, but Jesus did the work required for you on the cross. Jesus has brought you into friendship with God through His sacrifice, and He has brought you into a covenant with God through His blood.


Ø  Jesus has initiated you into the Kingdom by the gift of Himself on Calvary. When the situation was impossible, Jesus stepped in and gave a clear, firm path into the Father's family. Jesus is the “go-between” He makes up the difference between you and the Father, and He brings you into communion with God as your Heavenly Father.

Ø  Jesus…You the Man!!!

§  So, this is the third and final element of the doctrine of Christ is the Man Christ Jesus. Modern Christianity accepts Jesus as God. However, we have problems accepting Him as a man. Inversely, when Jesus’ walked the earth, the exact opposite was true.

§  John 10:33 

·       They replied… “We’re stoning you not for any good work, but for blasphemy! For you are a mere man, claiming to be God.”

§  The Jewish people knew He was a man because they could see and touch Him. They watched Him as He went about His day. They knew He was a man (eat, sleep, restroom) but they could not accept Him as God. Still, Jesus indicated He and the Father were one. It was not until Jesus appeared to the twelve after His resurrection, that they knew Him for who He was in John 20:28.

§  John 20:28 

·       And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

Ø  Jesus came as a man, yet He was and is God. John 1:1 reads like this..

Ø  John 1:1 

§  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Ø  Jesus is spoken of as the Word of God; the Word is God. God honored the Scriptures by calling Himself the Word. Elsewhere John calls Jesus the Word of Life.

Ø  John 1:14 

§  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Ø  The Word is God, and Jesus is the Word made flesh, born of Mary. Jesus is the Word; the Word is God Jesus and the Word are one. Jesus is God. These are simple yet powerful truths. Understanding that Jesus is God and He is the Word, will cause you to honor the scriptures (the written Word of God) differently than you ever have before. No wonder “religion” has tried to stamp out this revelatory truth and diminish the authority of the Scriptures as it is revealed by the Holy Spirit. 


Ø  Jesus is God; He is also a man. You’ve let Him be God, but have you let Him be a man? Because He is the Man Christ Jesus. Man (who He is); Christ (the office He fills [as Messiah]); Jesus (His mission [“Jesus” means Jehovah's salvation]). If He is not man as well as God to you, He is not Jesus because Jesus was 100 percent God and 100 percent man.

Ø  Corinthians 11:3-4 

§  But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent. 4 You happily put up with whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach a different Jesus than the one we preach, or a different kind of Spirit than the one you received, or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.

Ø  Some preach a Jesus that He is only a man or only God. If He is not preached as man & God, you have witnessed another Jesus than the one the Apostles walked with and bore witness to in the Gospel.

Ø  Jesus was not born with total wisdom and knowledge. It was necessary for him to grow physically and to develop wisdom. 

Ø  Luke 2:40 

§  And the Child (Jesus) grew up and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon.

Ø  Jesus knew the need to learn through life’s experiences. 

Ø  Hebrews 5:8 

§  Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience…

Ø  Jesus was driven to “strong crying and tears” as He called upon His Father for strength and protection.

Ø  Hebrew 5:7 

§  While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry and tears, to the one who could rescue him from death. And God heard his prayers because of his deep reverence for God.

Ø  Jesus grew weary and had need of rest. He did not walk around with a halo or float two feet off the ground. In order to redeem us from the curses, Jesus came to earth and became fully acquainted with the human condition before He died.

Ø  Hebrews 4:14-15 14 

§  So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. 15 This High Priest of ours understands our infirmities, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.

Ø  The word “infirmities” here means weaknesses or frailties. So, whether it be mentally, emotionally, or physically, Jesus fully experienced the human condition before He went to the cross for you and me. He knows what you are going through. 


Ø  The scriptures say… “Jesus was given the Spirit without measure.” Yet He limited Himself to rely on the Holy Spirit without the use of any secret powers that He would not make available for you and me. All the powers He exercised on earth were made available to us when He died and resurrected. Jesus has given His power to us.


Ø  John 14:12

§   I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.

Ø  These are His words, and His faith and He will see to it that it comes to pass. As a man, Jesus proved it could be done by the same Spirit He made available to you and me.

Ø  So, if we have made Jesus our Lord & Savior then this power is working in us and if we let this seed grow in our life, as it grew in Jesus’ life & His disciples’ lives then we will see His Power and His glory made known to us in our everyday life. This is our hope and we pray this is your hope as well.

Ø  So “Like,” “Share,” & “Subscribe” and until we meet again. “Love,” “Joy” & “Peace” 



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