Manifold Witness Podcast

Do We Have Everything We Need? Pt.1

Oscar & Alisha Episode 3

Manifold Truths Series
Biblical Essentials for our Modern Times.

Here we begin our new segment to the podcast where we introduce biblical essentials every believer should be familiar with in our modern times. We have entered into an era of what some have labeled as post-truth. Post-truth is a time when objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief. People are more concerned with how things make them feel versus it being founded in truth. Therefore, we need to be equipped with an inventory of biblical and spiritual truths to help us navigate through life’s triumphs & hardships and solidify ourselves as people of the Bible.

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Until next time…Love, joy, & peace!

Manifold Witness Podcast

Manifold Truths
Biblical essentials for our modern times.


i.                     These are Biblical essentials every believer should be familiar with in our modern times. We have entered into an era of what some have labeled as post-truth. 

ii.                   Post-truth is a time when objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief. 

iii.                 In matters of faith, it is no longer sufficient to be simply sincere.

iv.                 Ephesian 4:13 “…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature.”

v.                   It is no longer wise to leave your spiritual care solely in the hands of those who have made matters of faith & spirituality out of a career.

vi.                 Men and women abroad must take the responsibility (i.e., authority) for their own spiritual well-being which, unfortunately, has been given over to leaders in parish ministry for hundreds of years here in the West. 

vii.               The result has been an anemic, westernized, politized monstrosity we call The Church. This so-called Church has shown to be ill-equipped to sustain itself through society’s ebbs & flows and has left many without witnessing who or what the church is or is supposed to be. 

viii.             Therefore, we need to be equipped with an inventory of biblical and spiritual truths to help us navigate through life’s triumphs & hardships and solidify ourselves as the ‘people of the book.’ 

? PT. I 

i.         Can any and every need you experience in life whether personal, emotional, or spiritual be fully met in Christ?

ii.      Romans 8:32 

(1)   He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

iii.     This scriptural text merits our attention if we’re going to enter into a discussion on what it means to live out our Christian faith. 

iv.     If we’re going to have any biblical integrity upon reading and interpreting this text we must therefore conclude that this scriptural text suggests we have access to an inventory of available resources in God to receive a positive response from God in all of our prayers?

v.       However, the one caveat that we so readily leave out is, that God’s available resources for our answered prayer are in and through an ongoing relationship with His Son, Jesus The Christ!

vi.     So now it merits us to re-read the scriptural text with new eyes and see that everything works through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

i.        Romans 8:32 

(1)   He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not “with him” also freely give us all things?

ii.       Clarifications: 

(1) Experiential, not doctrinal; 

(2) It arises from who you know, not what you know;  

(3) It proceeds out of intimacy between you and God, not membership in a church or religious group. 

i.         Jesus coined the term being ‘born again’ as a salvific experience describing entering a relationship with God our heavenly Father.

ii.       Therefore, is it safe to say, that upon being ‘born again’, ‘born of God’, or ‘born from above’ we enter into a dynamic personal relationship with Jesus and our Creator where we potentially have every possible need in our life met already?

iii.     The writer of this scripture text is seemingly trying to relay an important truth here, and the observation is this.

iv.     If we can accept that the God our heavenly Father gave His very Son in answer to our most dire need, which was a savior. (John 3:16). It only follows He is certainly willing to address our lesser needs as well. 

v.       The Christian journey is one of exploration of God’s presence, but also utilizing and taking advantage of what our relationship with Jesus affords in this life and the life to come. 

vi.     Because of the sacrifice that Jesus rendered for us, and upon us accepting and appropriating this in our lives, we have entered a world of possibilities beyond our wildest imagination, “for with God all things are possible to him that believes!”

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